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A 2D Life


Comic for Sunday , December 22 , 2002:


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the (most recent) rants (all times PT unless otherwise noted) [non-recent rants]
on friday, august 23:
    Zozo at 8:07 PM, Zozo ranted: | [rant back: ]
    I spent Sunday in downtown A2, which is an awesome city. Mmm... fresh but not ridiculously expensive sushi... and Dave: a store called Middle-earth (though it sells a far wider array of kitschy crap than just LoTR stuff...)... And the original Borders. Which is just like every other two-story Borders. Except it's the first one in the country. Ooh...

    And I've been spending a fair enough amount of time in "downtown" Novi. Which is quite different from downtown Palo Alto. See, Palo Alto's downtown has been there more or less since the city's founding. Usually that's what a downtown is. Novi's "Main Street", on the other hand, was a developer's project that began about seven years ago, long after Novi had become the bustling "shopping area" surrounded by homes that it is today...

    They do have their similarities though. Both are extremely yuppie. Both are expensive. (Novi's is too yuppie for its own good; the overpriced grocery store that was in there imploded on itself...) Although Novi has far more parking...

    Super Dave at 9:59 AM, Super Dave ranted: | [rant back: ]

    <rant id="supes" title="smash them windows">

    I just spent 20 minutes writing a nice big long rant for you, complete with links to tofu webpages (including the LA Tofu Festival) and information about how phenylalanine can cause severe mental disturbances in you if you're a phenylketonuric OR improve your sex life if you're not....very exciting stuff, as you'd imagine....and the damn blogger thingy just completely lost it when I clicked the 'post' button and then refreshed the frame that displays our updates.

    DOH! So my girlfriend sent me a photo from work the other day (she's interning at Sun). Scott McNealy, the Bill-Gates-wannabe who runs that company, came and gave a little presentation to just the interns, apparently. and some DORKUS who thought he was really clever brought a WinXP box with him along with two hockey sticks and his digital camera and got Scott to take a pic with him holding the sticks and stomping the WinXP box.

    How LAME can you get? First of all, reality would be much better reflected by a picture of the box stomping on Scott McNealy and all of Sun; but besides, where do YOU think that dorkus intern got the WinXP box from? It's probably from the copy of Windows XP Home Edition HE BOUGHT for HIS COMPUTER. Yeah, down with windows and all that. Look at me, I'm a rebel. I can stomp on an empty box AFTER paying Microsoft hundreds of dollars for the product previously contained therein. He sure taught Bill Gates a lesson there; and I'm sure Scott McNealy was really impressed....

    Apparently that kid was beat up one too many times in high school so now he's going to take his revenge out on an inanimate cardboard box that he paid for himself.


    CWW at 12:05 AM, CWW ranted: | [rant back: ]

    I'm BACK!!!
    Yessiree! And as the comic above shows, I sufferred severe internet withdrawl. I was actually back a little earlier than today but the new eithernet card conflicted with my tablet and so I was too lazy to figure out what is wrong and spent the time productively wasting it on the internet.

    Don't dis tofu. Actually you can diss american tofu all you like but the good stuff is way better than any meat (so speaks the vegetarian). I like tofu...

    As for other news. There is little other news. I don't get much sleep but that is NOT news. As for Dave saying that I actually DO stuff with the comic... HA! that is wrong! I have the links up to your right but I haven't done anything about those either. I am also a blithering idiot.


on wednesday, august 21:
    Super Dave at 8:49 AM, Super Dave ranted: | [rant back: ]

    <rant id="supes" title="useless">

    Well looks like Cheng's Internet must still be down b/c there's no comic or even a newspot. And we can always count on him for a newspot.

    You see, unlike me, Cheng is not completely USELESS. See, he actually does stuff with the comic. He actually contributes something to it. I, on the other hand, do nothing. I sort of pretend that I'm involved in the comic, occasionally updating the page with a rant or helping cheng write a comic once every blue moon (or less frequently than that). The rest of the time I just look at it wistfully and think about how nice it would be to actually contribute something and how gratifying and satisfying that would feel. And then I remember that it takes time and effort and that I'm too lazy to give up either of those. And so I do nothing.

    I'll try to be more consistent in updating in general, at least for the next few weeks before I disappear in Europe for 10 days (although I suppose there's no reason I can't find an internet cafe somewhere and update from there...). I also vow to help cheng write a comic or two one of these I'm not completely useless.

    Oh I just realized I'm not compeltely useless. I can fry tofu. Yessir, that's right. FRY TOFU. Monday I was on cook crew at Chi Theta Chi so I got to fulfill one of my greatest fantasies: mass frying something on one of those restaurant-style, industrial grade grills. I just globbed on the oil and threw on the tofu, put my apron and spitting-grease-guard oven mitts on, pulled out a couple of huge spatulas and went to work. It was great. I could've just as easily been at Mickey D's flipping some burgers. Yes, that's right; it was THAT good.

    Which brings me to another point about tofu. No matter what you do to tofu, it still tastes like tofu. Most things, like broccoli or chicken or beef or even onions, take on the flavor of the sauce, etc. they're being cooked in/with/etc. -- at least to some degree. It's as though they're porous and some of the flavor can permeate them. Not tofu. It's like big blocks of nothing into which NOTHING can penetrate and thereby flavor it. Sure you can cut it into small squares and coat it in sauce, but it still tastes and feels like tofu when you bite into it. The only thing that even SLIGHTLY alters the experience of eating tofu is frying it before adding it to your recipe.

    So that's Chef David's advice for the day: fry your tofu. Fry it like a champ. Fry it just like you know I would.

    You know what makes me feel slightly better about being useless? The knowledge that BUSAYO is even more useless than I am. :)


on monday, august 19:
    CWW at 9:36 AM, CWW ranted: | [rant back: ]
    ARG! my internet is not working in my room. At all. Nope, nada. No internet. I don't know why but I've tried everything I can think of. All that I can say is that I'm guessing some idiot at rescomp killed my connection by accident since a lot of other people are leaving for the summer and have had their connection stopped. Yeah so you get no comic. But more importantly I'm really really dead: 1) My mom can left about 5 angry phone calls on my answering machine telling me that I should have e-mailed her some info. 2) I was fiddling with my comp for so long that I missed my bus to work. (at least my bosses are gone for the day so I'm not that badly off). Yeah. I don't know when it will be back up. Soon hopefully.

    I hate this.


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